These socks were created by designer Lauren Ayers. She is a thinker facile with print, various media, interactive design and has always impressed us with her style and conversational nous. Early summer we asked her to think about La Girafe Sportive, bike riding, preppy-ness, and pattern via sock-dom. She said yes to all and came up with a collection of socks that are in the store now and more to come in 2014! You can read our Lauren Ayers quiz interview ici! In the meantime we (Alexa) wrote some prose poems to celebrate the new collection!
In The Hedge:
The castle just 3 stops (to follow: Châtelet-Gard du Nord-Versailles R. Gauche) away.
Forty dusty minutes to the fourteenth,
filled with conversations of young Parisians learning their colors
(that M&M is jeune not rouge).
Time changes, retraceable.
Like a dead, black orchard
Bark peeled back to expose still-shining gold.
La Giraffe sur Pont Neuf Avec Monoprix:
One day, she shopped for creustix at monoprix;
got it and ate three bowls.
Followed by walking
(in flats from the aforementioned place) across every bridge in Paris;
looking for a boy to share it all with.
Gold flats – to ensure no Dorothy-going-home maneuvers –
she discovered Nutella crêpes.
Avec Elsa:
Polka dots they’re not
Up &
shorts & pants
polished or not.
Left and right; blue and white; we danced all night
put on the wrong shoe
painting the town red like where we match,
Jardins des Plantes.
Wooden Versailles Post:
Standing there, eating a millefeuille
from the same boulangerie responsible for crafting Louis XIV’s Orangettes du Berry.
(C’est history).
Consuming something not so easily consumable,
unmarked sneakers leave their crisscrossed stamp upon a post.
La Giraffe Sur Les Éscaliers de Montmartre:
Elsa! Elsa! Notre ami, nous sommes ici!
Friendship braided like the bracelets they tried to sell us.
Let’s watch the mime mock & mimic tourists.
Let’s run up the steps at least twice.
Let’s stare at this haven for Picasso and Le Bateau.
Let’s keep Sacre-Couer sacred in our hearts.
Even for three days, Let’s forever live in Paris.
La Giraffe à Versailles (fountain):
Do you see the black dot in the center of those squares?
Or the castle, far behind?
Instead, a labyrinth
Created by Borges and Travailleurs du Jardins (FIND BORGES REFERENCE GARDEN)
She reads and forgets the infinite numbers waiting to stand
In different socks on the same stones.
La Giraffe Investigates a Bridge:
Limbs, mimic the iconic mark of a Puy.
On that aqueduct,
cobblestones forget Roman intentions.
Now holding the new.
iPhotographs of an ant constructing one empire that isn’t necessarily his.