The tale of the Broken Wing
In the Store Now
When we received our new Celeste Jerseys, we were ecstatic to release them to the TSH audience. They seemed to leap out of the box and say to us “Wear me! I’m so cool!” In fact we nearly left the office right then, hopped on our bicycles, and rode up into the mountains. Unfortunately, its getting pretty busy around here with all of the amazing new apparel we’ve been releasing, so we had to stay inside and think up how we were going to photograph them for the website instead.
You probably know Andrew Nordyke from riding his bike in races or around Chicago, modeling for TSH, or from making you smile that one day you stepped in a puddle and your TSH cloud socks got wet and it seemed like it was going to be the worst day ever. Let’s just get this out right now, WE LOVE ANDREW. Having him around truly brightens our day, so when we learned he had broken his elbow during a recent race we were so sad for him. Of course, Andrew being the awesome dude that he is said “Nah man I’ll still model your kick-ass jersey for you!”
So here we have it, Andrew Nordyke modeling our new Celeste Jersey with a full on broken wing. Great moments from the shoot included having Andrew reenact the crash to which he said “Somebody come hold my legs!” His effervescent personality seemed to shine even brighter that day and made our Celeste Jersey sparkle like never before. When you zip up your Celeste Jersey this summer be sure to remember our good friend Andrew and spread some love when you’re on your bike. The climbs might be steep, the pavement might be hot, but a smile goes a long way!