There is more than one way to do a tour of California. If not on bike, you can get married in Malibu and drive north on Highway One in a white convertible Mustang and stay in a yurt in Big Sur. If you do anything similar to this stay in a yurt at Treebones Resort. Treebones yurts are not your mother’s Turkic Nomad’s yurts -this is a full-service resort with sushi bar, restaurant, hot tubs, homemade granola, message therapists, Granola Therapists, and everything else needed to calm a Hero’s sole. The weather and cool coastal fog can be spotty in May -be sure to sip your hot beverages with two hoodie-sleeved hands.
- Treebones Yurts: up the hill from Highway one.
- Inside the Yurt: In addition to amenities, beautiful inhabitants, skylights and wonders of geometry there is also an oculus in the ceiling. Upon leaving you will henceforth stare at the ceiling above your own bed and think longingly… ahhh..oculus.
- There is little more pleasing than clashing geometric patterns and french doors with a view of the Pacific.
- There are hummingirds in seemingly perfect trees. Lots of hummingbirds.
- This is Yurt No. 15. It is the Heroes choice and the Yurt-seekers mecca, prized for its seclusion and proximity to its own john.
- A short hike on the grounds will reveal rich succulents.
- The Treehouse: Robinson Crusue meet the Heroes. It’s not a Yurt, but it is a Treehouse with a suspension bridge.
- This is “The Nest.” The nest is made of branches. It is unexaplainable and amazing and costs real money to sleep in.
- This is a pair of Adirondack chairs perched above the Pacific Ocean. Everyone knows there is a time and a place for Adirondack chairs.
- A Wood-burnt Gourd: Need we say more?