Stage 21-95 km
Créteil to Paris Champs-Élysées
Well, we have reached the final stage, and there is little more to say. The yellow jersey is decided, and today’s stage was one of brothers embracing, Champagne drinking, and a final vicious mauling by the one who will from this Tour forward always be known as The Honey Badger. After winning five stages of a twenty-one stage race, we have said his nickname so many times, it has started to lose its meaning. In fact, repeated again and again real fast…Honey Badger Honey Badger HoneyBadgerHnyBdgrHnyBggeHneybgr, it slowly morphs in a nonsensical mumble. Funny because that’s what I heard when Cav….nevermind. Mark Cavendish is the fasted man in the world. Enough Said.
But I know what you’re wondering. What are the other Heroes doing in France? Where has their journey taken them? To the Pyrenees? To the Alps? Up the Rue de Rivoli, past the Louvre, on to the Place de la Concorde, and perhaps to the Champs-Élysées itself? Our Heroes abroad will bring the final report.