A Year in Review – Kind of
True Story – A young gentlemen walked into a classroom in one of New York’s finer institutions of learning and noticed the Professor carrying a Tenspeed Hero Fan Tote Bag and after the lecture remarked “Do you follow Tenspeed Hero?” The Professor remarked that he did but more precisely that he, the Professor/Designer (Neil Donnelly) built the website. The young sir said it was one of his favorite blogs about cycling but it was not always about cycling. Mr. Donnelly remarked that it could be a described as a cycling blog that is not about cycling. We laughed when we heard this story.
True Story – We did the 7-minute workout all summer and into the fall. Sometimes when we are on road trips we will drop all concerns and do a 7-minute work out. We must admit for the last few months we stopped doing the 7-minute workout. We are going to start again. You should as well! Someone told us that if we should really do three 7-minute workouts back to back to back to make it really work! So maybe by March we will be doing the 21 minute workout. Sounds hard!
Another True Story – Some people walk up to our racing team and ask this question “what is TshHH?” We never thought about our logo as a sound or whether it could be interpreted as something other than T S H.
Fact: All of these photographs are shot on a old Minolta SRT 101 with film by Samuel Copeland!
This summer we traveled to Idaho to climb mountains. Having a baby cycling company in Chicago does nothing to prepare you for the experience of looking up – down – sideways into this incredible vertical world of the West. We live in a horizontal world here in the midwest. We will be back!
La Girafe Sportive makes everything possible! It is a celebration of spirit + joy we picked up from an 80-year old man that we met in the village of Barcelonette, France named Roger Lando! We need to tell his story again. Please remind us when you see TShHHer’s at a race!
In Jackson Hole we met a Korean Family on an epic western road trip. Three generations! We told them we loved their outfits and so they offered us some Ramen and rice and we shared lunch in a scenic pull out. We told them our story and they told us their family history. They wished us luck and good health. We felt lucky.
We walked into the forest and took pictures with our friend Zsa Zsa. She wore a handmade puffy blue goose down coat that my mother made. It must be 25 years old but it is still warm.
This is Tenspeed Hero Cagwin, otherwise known as Jonathan Sadler. He started this online fanzine with Luke Batten. He is a born climber. When you are just under 6ft and weigh 145 lbs you are a climber.
This is Tenspeed Hero Luke! Taking pictures at Craters of the Moon in Idaho
We look forward to sharing more designs, photos, flags, laughs, TSH, La Girafe Sportive, and Tenspeed Hero Stories with you all in 2014! We wish you good health and joy! Thanks for the support!