We love Amelia Strong. She is an illustrator in Chile, and when she illustrates people she shows them in all their beauty and color and energy and complexities.
We love this illustration. It is of a woman, marching into her future. Women march. Down the street, down the aisle, up the hill, to take care of business, to come to the aid of those we love, to protest, to assert our place in the world, to get there.
We love red. Red is a color of vigor, of pain, of passion, of power and boldness. Red, the color of the kind of love and courage it takes to birth a child or paint a masterpiece or sign on the dotted line or get to the finish line.
We love well-designed clothing. We’re here to support crop tops (draped just so) and the chutzpah it takes to be who you want to be and to love your body as it is and to know that you are worth it. We’re here to support bodies as they are, not as someone says they should be. Bra, no bra, binder: you are you and you should be you.