Laser Printers, Tape and Saturday Afternoons
On this crisp October afternoon at Hero Headquarters in Chicago we have been sitting around computers and sending small files to our
Lexmark Laser Printer. We try to not work most saturdays but things started to pile up and we are anxious to finish our 2013 product line. We must say these moments, with tape and simple black and white copies, may be the most fun time in the studio. The nervous energy of getting out the credit card and going to production are absent. Just push print and grab some tape! Boom!
New Tenspeed Hero Logo
We are a bit short-handed at the moment so Anne, an Industrial Design student, came by to help us move some boxes and help with issues of scale for our new logo designed by Neil Donnelly. Consider it a protective shield for Heroes everywhere. Our desire to make a stencil and mark some alley-ways is emotional but we are resisting our inner tagger for the day!
New Woolies
We finally received our new club woolies just in time for autumn weather. Send us an email if you want some as it will be some time before we build our new store.